㈠ 用英語介紹一本中國小說60詞
《西遊記》----《Journey to the West》
Journey to the West is a mythological novel based on many centuriesof popular tradition.It was probably putinto its present form in the 15708 byWu Cheng』en (1500-82).This lively fantasy relates theamazing adventures of the priest San-zang as he travels west in search ofBuddhist sutras with his three disciples,the irreverent and capable Monkey,greedy Pig,and Friar Sand.Theopening chapters recount the earlier
exploits of Monkey,culminating in hisrebellion against Heaven.We thenlearn how Sanzang became a monkand was sent on his pilgrimage by theTang emperor who had escaped deathwith the help of an Underworld official.The main story, the ourney, takes thepriest through all kinds of entertainingtrials and tribulations,mainly at the
hands of monsters and spirits whowant to eat him.Only the courageand powers of his disciples,especiallyMonkey,save him from death.Monkeyis the hero of the antasy, and the reader will soon learn why he has long beenso loved in China.Will the ilgrims
reach the Vulture Peak and obtain theScriptures?The answer will only befound at the end of the lOO-chapternovel.The story is as full of imaginationas Monkey is of magic, and packedwith incident and down-to-earth humour.The illustrations are from 19th-century Chinese edition.This is the firstof the three volumes of the novel.
㈡ 用英語介紹一本書(簡短一些)
LIN books on the author : My Memories of Old Beijing : More than half a century ago.Lin Ying son with the little girl with Mom and Dad come over from Taiwan arrived in Beijing, one in an area south of the alley Lane.Notched ruins of the ancient capital, smoke Camel Bells, where the villain : : All British feel so strange, and it fascinating.Mad woman in front of the hall, a small partner Niuer bullet welt, a pair of thieves along grassland, Song Ma overnight following the wet nurse.sinking further into the ground floor with a father who failed to sleep : : They and the British have had a son, humanism, living together,still ringing in their voice and facial expression, they are all quietly leave.Why such a miserable business world?Sensible but are not fluent in English fail to ponder deeply.Fifty years have past, and now come to Beijing from all this and still affective Wang Anyi.It's sad that to survive, then sprinkle lethargic lover, she Childishness engraved in the memory, never dissipated "spent 25 years in Beijing I can say is the golden eraThe glazed tiles and the National Palace Museum can reflect each other. , an area south of the alley, courtyard, the donkey Xishan Mountain.and the bell hung from the neck of the camel I gave these endless source of inspiration.
"directed the film adaptation of the same name -- LIN :Wu Yigong, Zhang Min third Zhenyao performed : China Jinji Award for best film director.Best Supporting Actress and Best Music Award Manila, the Philippines, the second International Film Festival Award for Best Feature Jinyin Belgrade, Yugoslavia, the 14th International Children's Film Festival Best Film Award thinking Quito, Ecuador, the 10th International Film Festival City second prize -- Equator Prize Wu Yigong film "My Memories of Old Beijing" through a little girl's display of pure vision of the 20th century, 20 years old social outlookReviewing the situation in which the people lead a life that is overshadowed by gloomy.Jewish films with the original structure, and directed excluded from the beginning, climax and ended up clues to the plot."It's sad, deep love" as the keynote of the structure using beads, linked up with British Fengnu:xiuzhen son.British son and thieves, and lactating women Song Ma Ying son of no causal link between the three stories.This film is the structure function of the prism, then from a different perspective reflects the historical outlookformed a kind of psychological and emotional content to the principal to shape images and voices manifested in the form of Prose film."My Memories of Old Beijing", the choice of the actors and directors used properly, the British son (Shen Jie) His bright,Purity, fascinating and eye enough to explore the language favorably; Song Ma's simple, subtle,The show turned into that painful era.Director did not deliberately seek to direct the so-called "dramatic" effect, but that the strength of the film is silent on the end.In fact, the film has only the word "departure" -- an indivial from each other occasionally in the course of a life, friends,But are all gone.Xiuzhen and Niuer way, the thief is, Song Ma was like, finally, as even the father.In the final five minutes, silent film dialogue, but mainly static picture with no big moves, it does not really matter the circumstances.But by using color (large tracts of the young), to the rhythm of images (a fast,Hongye close-ups that run counter to the direction of movement).and at this moment with just the right music can create a sense of melancholy stack of skills, etc., to convey the full emotional characters,constitute an emotional climax.In such emotional impact, viewers will naturally give them sum up the feelings of the entire film.Therefore, it reached a climax on the feelings.The "struggle" is not directed directly to the audience, but the audience a naturally-formed.
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㈢ 用英語介紹一本書
I am a middle school student.And our teacher asks us to read some magazines or newspapers after school.I read "Beijing Youth Daily" (北京青年報)every day.My parents also like this newspaper very much.Sometimes,we talk about the news in the newspaper.There is much news about different thiongs in this newspaper. And I can get a lot of knowledge from it.I think it is very helpful for my study.
㈣ 用英語介紹一本英語小說
在納撒尼爾·霍桑最好的短篇《小夥子布朗》(Young Goodman Brown)里,霍桑寫了早年的新英格蘭,故事主人公去出席在半夜舉行的魔鬼聚會,發現在座的不僅有鎮上所有德高望重的人,甚至還有他的妻子費思...
。曾自費出版長篇小說《范肖》,發表很多短篇作品,出版短篇集《古宅青苔》、《雪影》等。他的短篇小說大都取材於新英格蘭的歷史和現實生活,著重探討人性和人的命運 ,帶有較濃重的宗教氣息和神秘色彩。名篇《小夥子布朗》、《教長的黑紗》等揭示人人皆有的隱秘的罪惡和人的必然的孤獨處境。一些故事反映了作者對理性、科學和技術進步的懷疑�少數作品正面表達了他的理想,如《石面人像》。
1836年和1846年兩度在海關任職 ,1841年參加超驗主義者創辦的布魯克農場。1842年後結識了作家愛默生、梭羅等。1848年因政府更迭失去海關職位,後專心寫作,完成了他最重要的長篇小說《紅字》。小說取材於殖民地時期的新英格蘭生活,主人公是因犯加爾文教派所嚴禁的通姦罪而被標上紅字示眾的少婦白蘭。作者細致深入地揭示人的內心沖突,探討了種種有關罪惡和人性的道德、哲理問題,對幾個主要人物,如在磨難和贖罪中走向自新的海斯特·白蘭,被良心、信仰和愛情苦苦折磨的狄姆斯台爾牧師,以及白蘭的丈夫、一心謀求報復的羅傑,都有入木三分的描寫。小說以監獄和玫瑰花開場,以墓地結束,充滿豐富的象徵寓義。隨後發表的《帶有七個尖角閣的房子》講述品恩欽家族的祖先謀財害命而使後代遭到報應的故事,反映了早期美國社會中的血腥掠奪,以及作者對人的罪惡(特別是祖先的罪過)的異常關注。另一部小說《福谷傳奇》以布魯克農場的烏托邦嘗試為題材,表達了一種失望情緒和對狂熱激進的改革者的厭惡。
霍桑於1853年被任命為駐英國利物浦的領事 。1857年後他僑居義大利,創作了另一部探討善惡問題的小說《玉石雕像》。此後他回國定居康科德,1864年去世時留下4部未完成的長篇小說。
霍桑把自己的小說稱為心理羅曼史。他潛心挖掘隱藏在事物背後的不易覺察的意義,作品想像豐富,結構嚴謹。新英格蘭的清教傳統對他影響極深。他思想保守,對生產發展和技術進步有抵觸情緒,對社會改良持懷疑態度,對當時蓬勃開展的廢奴運動不很理解。霍桑思想和藝術中「陰暗」的一面在現代西方人中喚起了很大共鳴。 簡.愛生存在一個父母雙亡,寄人籬下的環境。從小就承受著與同齡人不一樣的待遇:姨媽的嫌棄,表姐的蔑視,表哥的侮辱和毒打......然而,她並沒有絕望,她並沒有自我摧毀,並沒有在侮辱中沉淪.所帶來的種種不幸的一切,相反,換回的卻是簡.愛的無限信心,卻是簡.愛的堅強不屈的精神,一種可戰勝的內在人格力量.
同樣, 在羅切斯特的面前,她從不因為自己是一個地位低賤的家庭教師,而感到自卑,她認為他們是平等的.不應該因為她是僕人,而不能受到別人的尊重.也正因為她的正直,高尚,純潔,心靈沒有受到世俗社會的污染。使得羅切斯特感到自慚性穢,同時對她肅然起敬,並深深地愛上了她。他的真心,讓她感動,她接受了他.後來,簡.愛發現羅切斯特已有了妻子,她的自尊自重再次出現,毫不猶豫地離開了他,她對愛情的專一,讓我敬佩.
㈤ 用英語介紹自己喜歡的書
My Favourite Book
I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but "Harry Porter" is my favorite one The story is very long but I am interested in it Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies
His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world In fact, the fiction story is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it I think it's the best book I've ever read
n (名詞)
1、book是可數名詞,基本意思是「書,書籍」,還可指「(大型著作的)卷,篇,部」,歌劇中的「歌詞,腳本」,當表示「賬冊」時,用the books。
2、a book泛指各種書中的一本;如果指許多相同書中的一本,則應說a of book。
v (動詞)
㈥ 用英語介紹一本你喜歡的書
I like <<Little Women>>, because there are so many colourful figures.And I can learn from them many things.These people are so different ,they all have their own personalities.Every people has his own strengths and weakness,and through the figures in the book we can see ourselves clearly,and then we can improve ourselves .A famous man ever says that"Reading makes a full man".I hope I can learn more from the books.
㈦ 用英文介紹一本書(短一點的)
介紹的書名叫:the outsiders
The Outsiders is a coming-of-age novel by S. E. Hinton, first published in 1967 by Viking Press. Hinton was 15 when she started writing the novel, but did most of the work when she was sixteen and a junior in high school.[1] Hinton was 18[2] when the book was published. The book follows two rival groups, the Greasers and the Socs (pronounced by the author as /so�0�3�0�4�0�6�0�5z/, short for Socials), who are divided by their socioeconomic status.
The book takes place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1965,[2] but it is never stated in the book.
㈧ 用英語介紹一本書,簡短的,名著,50字,60字左右
My favourite book and I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but "Harry Porter" is my favorite one. The story is very long but I am interested in it. Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies.
His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world. In fact, the fiction story is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it. I think it's the best book I've ever read.
2、縮略詞如Mr.、Dr.等不能和後面的名字拆開移行。 縮略的專用名詞如U.K.(the UnitedKingdom)、U.S.A(United States of America)等也不能拆開移行。
3、時間、量度及貨幣單位應視為一個整體;不能分開移行。如: 11:00 P.M. 應寫在一行內,不能將11:00和PM.分開移行;寫38℃時,不能將38和℃分開移行。
6、1980不能將January和6分開移行,但可以把January 6,和1980分成兩行。
5、含雙寫輔音字母的單詞,在移行時要將輔音字母拆開。如better可拆成bet-ter,necessary可拆成 neces-sary。
㈨ 用英語推薦一本中國小說
Outlaws of the Marsh, one of China's four famous books, describes the story of 108 heroines led by Song Jiang in the Northern Song Dynasty who gathered in Yunan in Jurassic mountains after Liangshan was collected. Water Margin is also one of the most epic features in Chinese literature. It is one of the earliest chapters in Chinese history written in vernacular Chinese.
㈩ 求用英語介紹自己喜歡的一本書,字數100詞左右得了。簡單一點的。
A lot of people ask me which book is my most favorite one, and I always proudly answer them <<The Five Thousand Years History>>, which is all history about China.
This will be a long story for me to read this book. First time I touched this book is when I was 5 years old. My mother bought it to me as my 5-years-old gift. This is a really wonderful present to me,which is opening a history gate to me , a totally innocent boy. I almost forgot the dinner after I read the first page. From then on, I was the historist in my class and showed my knowledge from that book to my classmeates. When I became older and older, I knew more about it and feel more confident about my own China. I am proud that I am a Chinese and I will make more effort to build a more powerful country and let Chinese history more brilliant.
As me, this is the most important book in my life and now I still read it and recite some part of it. I think everyone should read it and get this wonderful experenice.
很多人問我是我最喜歡的是哪一本書,我總是驕傲地回答《五千年歷史> >,中文全稱為關於中國歷史。
These days, many people around me are discussing something on reading. They ask the mostis that 「Which book do you like the best?」 Like most of girls , I like reading fictions very much, especially on love story, And I also love to read some great books such as " Wuthering Heights" , "Oliver Twist" , "Pride and Prejudice" and so on. But I find it a little boring to read this kind of book. Perhaps this is the cultural differences between China and the West caused by it. In a word, I prefer reading books written by Chinese writers . And my favorite book is named "The Best Thing I Did Is to Love You". It tells us a story between a hotel manager and a medical practitioner who both have been hurt by their lovers. Thought the plot is familiar to me ,it was the language of light and warmth of life details that moved me a lot. And it tells us a simple truth -------The brightest future will always be based on a forgetten past ,you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.------Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.
這些天,我周圍的許多人都在談論對閱讀的東西。他們要求的是,「你喜歡哪本書最好的嗎?」 大多數女孩一樣,我非常喜歡讀小說,尤其是愛情故事,而且我也喜歡閱讀,如「呼嘯山莊」,「霧都孤兒」,「傲慢與偏見」等一些偉大的著作。但我覺得有點沉悶閱讀此類書籍。也許這是與中國和西方的文化差異所造成的。 總之,我喜歡讀中國作家寫的書。而我最喜歡的書命名為「我做過最棒的事的就是愛你」。它告訴我們一間一間酒店經理和醫生誰都有自己的愛人被傷害的故事。 思想的情節是熟悉的我來說,這是光明和生活細節,感動了很多溫暖的語言。它告訴我們一個簡單的道理-------光明燦爛的未來將永遠是一個忘掉過去的基礎上,你不能去,生活才會讓你走你過去的失敗和傷心.---- - 也許上帝要我們在遇到對的人之前先遇上這樣當我們終於遇見那個合適的人心儀的人,我們就會知道如何成為該感謝的禮物